Daily Tarot Card Draw, August 7 2010: Four of Pentacles
Originally uploaded by j.goreham
Wow, it's hard to take webcam pics outside in the sun! It's a lovely Saturday morning, so I am blogging from my balcony. My apartment's on the front of the building, and people coming in and out the front door are giving me funny looks for sitting out with my computer with CBC radio blaring.
Anyhow, today I drew the Four of Pentacles from the Tell-Me Tarot deck. The card depicts a cloaked man holding 4 coins/pentacles close to his body. He is standing in front of a window in a small room or alcove. Keywords on the Tell-Me Tarot card read: "Four of Pentacles = Attachment (-) You are holding on to the past. Attachment blocks you. Release your fear of losing, so you can progress."
I think I probably do hold on to the past; history and heritage is my trade after all so it's a little bit to do with that. But, that doesn't have a negative connotation like this card holds. More specifically, there were two things that jumped to mind for me. One is that last night while browsing dvd's at HMV, I was telling JKP that there are certain television programs that I simply cannot watch anymore because a former friend whom I am no longer friendly with was really into them. The other thing that popped to mind was that this week I have been excited for Saturday so I can hit up Little Mysteries to pick up a new deck. Maybe Tell-Me is telling me that I shouldn't be that attached to this deck- it might not be there, or maybe there is another deck that is more suitable for me. I am going to approach all of these things with an open mind and without holding on to outdated ideas, so I can move forward unrestricted.